Campinas, Brazil is protecting and restoring nearby forests to provide clean and plentiful water for three million urban residents.

Campinas, Brazil is protecting and restoring nearby forests to provide clean and plentiful water for three million urban residents.
The Santa Geneva Forest, along with the multiple green corridors and forest fragments found in Campinas’ watershed, plays a critical role in providing water for the Brazilian city and its three million residents. Yet, urban expansion and agricultural pressure threaten these forested ecosystems. Cities4Forests and WRI Brazil have partnered with the city government of Campinas and the local water utility, Sanasa, to protect and restore forested watersheds that are important for the urban water supply. The partners are currently undertaking an economic analysis to estimate the costs and benefits of implementing nature-based solutions (NBS) in the Santa Geneva Forest, along with the multiple green corridors and forest fragments found in Campinas’ watershed. This study will inform a comprehensive plan to identify priority sites, as well as sources of funding to establish and sustain a watershed management program in the future.
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