Doctors & Water Scarcity On The Front Lines: Combating Coronavirus Without Clean Water

Note: Republishing this story below from the World Resources Institute on water and efforts to contain and diminish the coronavirus death toll, I draw on a film that is unrelated to this particular viral infection. I add a suggestion — if you have time to watch not only the trailer, enjoy the whole film.
The film has much to show about the heroic efforts of the doctors on the front lines, of those in charge medically with conditions that require not only risking their own lives, but sometimes sacrificing their own lives. The film has something to say about their community involvement, their relationship with community and water infrastructure. Water is key to health. The film, although a Hollywood perspective, highlights important discussions about health and community well being.
Note: Republishing this story below from the World Resources Institute on water and efforts to contain and diminish the coronavirus death toll, I draw on a film that is unrelated to this particular viral infection. I add a suggestion — if you have time to watch not only the trailer, enjoy the whole film.
The film has much to show about the heroic efforts of the doctors on the front lines, of those in charge medically with conditions that require not only risking their own lives, but sometimes sacrificing their own lives. The film has something to say about their community involvement, their relationship with community and water infrastructure. Water is key to health. The film, although a Hollywood perspective, highlights important discussions about health and community well being.
Note: Republishing this story below from the World Resources Institute on water and efforts to contain and diminish the coronavirus death toll, I draw on a film that is unrelated to this particular viral infection. I add a suggestion — if you have time to watch not only the trailer, enjoy the whole film.